atinary technologies sàrl

At Atinary, we believe in a world where science and technology contribute to accelerating the transition to a sustainable planet and a circular economy.

We are committed to promoting global multi-disciplinary collaborations and partnerships that put cutting-edge scientific knowledge into action. Atinary develops and deploys technologies that exponentially accelerate breakthrough discoveries and innovation.

Our AI technology platform digitizes R&D operations and processes. We enable companies and research labs to move to automation, and from automation to autonomy to become self-driving labs. Atinary Technologies exponentially accelerates breakthrough discoveries and innovation.

Route de la Corniche 4
1066 Epalinges

About the label

Products & Services

Atinary Nexus Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail

Platform to connect research groups and facilitate scientific collaborations all across the globe.
in Switzerland

Atinary SDLabs Software enabled Business show product detailhide product detail

Scientia & Enterprise
Scientia: Open-platform product to promote standards and push the limits of human knowledge with the self-driving laboratories (SDLabs).

Enterprise: Commercial cloud product to deploy self-driving laboratories (SDLabs) with user-friendly interfaces, custom-made modules, data libraries, proprietary AI & ML algorithms and data analytics.
in Switzerland

Atinary Services Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail

Atinary Technologies offers consulting and customer services to install, use, and execute Atinary products and in the use and application of AI, ML tools, and data-driven optimization strategies in the fields of research and development, material sciences, design and discovery.

At Atinary, we promote public awareness in and use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and data-driven experimentation in materials sciences and chemistry to accelerate innovation with Self-Driving Laboratories (SDLabs).