- Wednesday 23.11.2022
Event: 2. It's about tech: "Software is eating the world — Tech Strategies for SMEs"
- Wednesday 16.11.2022 - Thursday 17.11.2022
Event: Kooperation letsboot.ch: GitLab CI/CD Pipelines
- Tuesday 15.11.2022
Event: Dataspace Switzerland - Here comes the new DSG
- Wednesday 09.11.2022 - Thursday 10.11.2022
Event: Product Management Festival
- Wednesday 19.10.2022 - Thursday 20.10.2022
Event: Kooperation BaselOne 22
- Tuesday 27.09.2022 - Tuesday 27.09.2022
Event: it’s about tech: "local heroes — what does it take to create a great software product"
- Tuesday 05.07.2022
Important: Note to METANET customers with "swiss hosting" label
- Wednesday 22.06.2022
Event: Dataspace Switzerland - How much security is there in the Swiss dataspace?
- Tuesday 21.06.2022
Event: Cooperation Swiss Testing Day 2022
- Thursday 02.06.2022
swiss made software hits a major milestone and welcomes the 1000th label member
- Wednesday 01.06.2022
Join us: Social media campaign swiss made software top 1000
- Monday 11.04.2022
topsoft hack powered by swiss made software
- Friday 01.04.2022
Event: digital sovereignty: topsoft hack powered by swiss made software
- Thursday 31.03.2022
«dataspace switzerland» 2022 - unsere Eventreihe zu «swiss hosting» und «Digitaler Souveränität»
- Tuesday 22.03.2022
annual review 2021 - once again record growth + "dataspace switzerland"
- Tuesday 22.02.2022
results swiss developer survey 2021
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