BDK is IT specialist in the transport and logistics sector and represents pure swissness.
Development, distribution and maintenance of software for transportation, logistics and communication.
Zelgstrasse 9
8280 Kreuzlingen
Tel +41 71 686 91 11

Products & Services
tran, logo, mony Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail
- Description
software product lines tran, logo, mony for the realization of modern logistic concepts.
transport, constructions, environmental logistics, crane, relocate, municipal services, passenger services, wreath, damage equipment, foreign drivers cost accounting, maintenance depot, service, EDI, Fleet, MIS, DMS, CRM, time.
monyFinance (wage)
eLogistics Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail
- Description
eLogistics communication platform at BDK
1. as a solution for the seamless integration of customers, partners and vehicles in logistics processes
2. as an alternative to an in-house IT infrastructure - Outsourcing