Our software engineers have professional experience working with the development of object-oriented, technical information systems since 1992. All employees acknowledge the Code of Ethics of the Swiss Informatics Society as a standard for responsible conduct. Since 1998 we train apprentices in the area of information technology, specializing in application development.
Lohweg 6
4054 Basel
Tel +41 (0)61 690 96 00

Products & Services
Byron/BIS Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
- Byron Informatik AG has developed the standard software Byron/BIS - an object-oriented development platform for the configuration of customized facility management systems. The Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) system Byron/BIS is certified according to the quality standard GEFMA 444 (German Facility Management Association) guideline.
Produktdienstleistungen Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail
- Description
The complete facility management solution, consisting of software, project services and user support is supplied from one single source - the software manufacturer. This core competence differentiates Byron from its competitors who are mostly organized in a structure that focuses on different divisions (sales, development and project management).
Customer care and partner support for our clientele in Germany, Austria, Luxemburg and Switzerland is carried out by the employees of Byron Informatik AG in Basel. The support team is available during business hours and e-mails are answered in a timely manner.
- Technology
- .NET, C#, Delphi (Object Pascal)
Softwareentwicklung Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Software development is the core business of Byron Informatik AG. All software engineers and developers have a sound education and years of professional experience.
To develop applications for Microsoft® Windows we use object-oriented programming languages (Object Pascal - Delphi™ und C#). While developing technical information systems, the modelling of complex technical objects and their persistent management led us to use, as early as 1988, object-oriented database systems. An additional speciality of our development team is the implementation of agile methods in customer projects.
- Technology
- .NET, C#, Delphi (Object Pascal)