CLUEBIZ TECHNOLOGIES is spezialised in developing software solutions for Microsoft-based environments.
With our products Package Shop, Delivers and Package Robot we offer the next generation for software integration, testing and delivery from the cloud.
Wybäumetstrasse 24
4452 Itingen
Tel +41 56 552 00 25

Products & Services
package shop Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Price
- Flatrate
- Description
Continious security: Cluebiz Package Shop
Don't spend any more time into software packaging, just download and update your products in our package shop. By accessing our globally unique technology your packages are generated "on demand" during your download and can be deployed within minutes.
- Hosting
- available in Switzerland
- Link:

deliveries Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Price
- Ab CHF 6.-/ Monat pro Client
- Description
- Whether you're installing a new system or updating your current one, our intelligent cloud technologies let you meet requirements with no additional software license costs whatsoever. No implementation costs. No maintenance operations. No need for training. And no new hardware required. This isn't surprising, since all you need for these solutions is a secure Internet connection.
- Hosting
- available in Switzerland
package robot Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Keep your application portfolio up to date while drastically reducing integration time: the Cluebiz Testcenter and Package Robot opens up a new dimension of IT process acceleration.
With the Cluebiz Testcenter, your applications are always up to date. It’s fast and individually tailored to your environment. For example, you can test 500 software packages with 20 testing systems in only 8 hours. And because it is accessed via https, the computer used for testing can be located anywhere in the world
- Hosting
- available in Switzerland

- Sunday 01.07.2018
Software-Bereitstellung der neuesten Generation
Ob 30 oder 3000 Rechner, die Aktualisierung der zahlreichen Software-Applikationen ist aufwendig. Cluebiz setzt voll auf Automatisierung. Christian Walter Life Cycle Management