easylearn schweiz ag

easylearn schweiz ag deals with digital knowledge transfer and possesses comprehensive expertise and experience on the topics of e-learning, blended learning, event and educational management as well as creating courses. The Swiss company, which has its headquarters in Hünenberg ZG, was founded in 1994 and has around 50 employees. The easylearn schweiz ag mainly serves the Swiss market and cooperates with around 500 client organisations from the sectors public service, industry, service providers, health and social care as well as several sales partners.

Miss Barbara Rohrer | Head of Marketing

Bösch 71
6331 Hünenberg


About the label

Internships, dissertations and apprenticeships show detailhide detail

We offer internships
We offer positions for dissertations

Contact: Miss Anita Bucher
Tel +41 43 322 72 45

Products & Services

easylearn Software Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail

on request
easylearn - the integrated, web-based education solution

With easylearn you will receive a comprehensive range of tools, methods and services, in order to make knowledge available in your organisation at the right time and place.

Convey the important basics for all relevant topics within a short time period.

easylearn knowledge pool:
This is where know how from all e-learning courses is collected and made centrally accessible.

new e-learning courses can be created quickly and simply with the integrated authoring tool.

Supervisors and training managers plan and structure the entire learning process in the integrated Learning Management System.

Put together your training management and supervision more efficiently with rolling planning, advertisement and administration for your educational events.

easylearn competence management:
Systematically support your employees with personal profiles.
easylearn is fully written as an object-oriented web application in PHP. MS-SQL server or MySQL are used as a data storage system. Usually, the client is a browser (HTML 5). The client can also be any programme which supports the appropriate standard with Rest API or SOAP.
available in Switzerland

easylearn Services Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail

on request
We'll support you in all issues regarding your business training. We offer a wide range of additional services - tailor-made to your company’s situation and needs.

easylearn project management:
We'll show you and your individual project how to reach success in four steps.

easylearn concepts:
Whether e-learning, classroom training or a combination - we'll support you competently and in person.

easylearn operation:
We guarantee the easy operation of your easylearn system: from installation and configuration, hosting and maintenance to professional support.

Individual e-learning courses:
easylearn offers various options for the creation of educational content: From full realisation and co-authoring to independent implementation.

Standard e-learning courses:
On general interest topics, easylearn offers standard e-learning courses which are individually adaptable to your situation and needs: such as trainings on IT topics (Windows, Office etc.), trainings on health and safety at work (basic life support theory, dealing with fire emergencies, ergonomics in the workplace, etc.)