Our new course on "Continuous Integration and Delivery of Software with GitLab CI/CD Pipelines" is now open to the public:
- 16 and 17 November 2023: www.letsboot.ch/en-gb/course-date/gitlab-ci-cd-2023-05-10
- 10 and 11 May 2023: www.letsboot.ch/en-gb/course-date/gitlab-ci-cd-2023-05-10
- Details of the GitLab Continous Integration and Delivery course: https://www.letsboot.ch/en-gb/course/gitlab-ci-cd
Thanks to our extensive lab environment, all participants can work through different scenarios. From simple build, test and deploy jobs to more complex pipelines with review environments, feature branches, Kubernetes deploy target and much more.
We focus on the possibilities and best practices of the GitLab DevOps platform. We will look at variants with and without containers, as well as special issues such as runners/executors, time-controlled pipelines, optimisation of the critical path or modularisation.
More exciting courses in Q3 2022:
And there are also some new trainers in our Letsboot team: https://www.letsboot.ch/en-gb/team
swiss made software holders (Level 2) receive a 10 percent discount on the above courses.