The demand for high-quality IT education is steadily growing, and Letsboot is responding with a significant expansion of its course offerings. With over 50 courses, available both publicly and in-house, and more than 40 experienced trainers, Letsboot covers a wide range of topics, from modern web technologies and DevOps to advanced security concepts.
The diverse course selection allows for a targeted approach to the needs of companies and professionals who want to expand or deepen their technical skills. By combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on exercises, Letsboot offers a comprehensive learning environment.
With this expansion, Letsboot strengthens its position as a competent provider of IT training and remains a reliable partner for professional development in the technology sector.
Public & In-House Courses:
- Angular & TypeScript - November 4 - 6, 2024
- Container & Kubernetes DevOps - August 26 - 28, 2024, November 19 - 21, 2024
- Container & Kubernetes Security - November 4 & 5, 2024
- GitLab CI/CD - November 6 & 7, 2024
- Iain Smart: Advanced Kubernetes Security: Learn By Hacking (English) - November 11 - 13, 2024
- Microservices with Spring Boot - November 27 - 29, 2024
- Pat Kua: Technical Leadership Masterclass (English) - November 21 & 22, 2024
In-House Courses:
- Akka with Java or Scala
- Ansible Automation
- Application Integration with Apache Camel
- Apache Spark
- AWS with Terraform
- Azure with Terraform
- Cilium for Kubernetes
- CKAD Preparation
- Clean Architecture with Spring Boot
- Clean Code Hands-On
- Clean Code with TypeScript
- Cypress.io E2E Testing
- DevSecOps with AI
- Earthly
- Introduction to Backstage
- Elasticsearch for Developers
- Event Storming Masterclass (English)
- Executable BPMN in the Spring Boot Context
- GitOps with ArgoCD
- Golang
- Hands-on OpenShift
- Helm Charts for Kubernetes
- Istio Service Mesh
- Jimmy Bogard: Modern .NET with Vertical Slice
- Kafka for Software Developers
- Keycloak for Software Developers
- Kotlin for Backend Development
- Master Domain-Driven Design (English)
- Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
- NestJS & TypeScript for Microservices
- Next.js - The React Framework
- React & TypeScript
- Rust on the Server
- Scala Introduction
- Serverless Testing
- Site Reliability Engineering
- Spring Security
- Terraform for AWS, Azure, or GCP
- The 10 Levels of Serverless
- TypeScript
- Video & Livestreaming for Developers
- Vlad K.: DDD for Architecting Modular Systems
- VMWare Tanzu
- Vue.js 3 & TypeScript