git s.a.

Publisher of business management software since 1981, GIT S.A. is a Geneva based company. Supporting business creation – whatever the size of the company – GIT includes its business software in the development of all activities. The WinEUR business software suite enables you to set up general accounting and associate modules for AP/AR, analytics, with a system of integrated archiving of accounting documents, portfolio management, payroll and hours, stocks, invoicing of clients and suppliers, consolidation of accounts and even the electronic management of documents (EDM) with M-FILES.
GIT will meet your needs with a bespoke offer that is reliable, efficient and adaptive.

24 rue Le Royer
1227 Genève

Tel 0041 22 3093999

About the label

Products & Services

WinEUR Software enabled Business show product detailhide product detail

Accounting, portfolio, invoicing, fixed assets, archiving
Windows, web, delphi