HOPR keeps any exchange of data, private & secure.
The HOPR protocol is a layer-0 privacy foundation for anyone to build on.
Standard end-to-end encryption does not provide sufficient privacy. It leaks important Meta-Data, such as who is exchanging data, when, and how often. Securing network-level privacy with HOPR unlocks a range of opportunities such as the safe connection between devices and clouds or generic digitalisation without privacy concerns. HOPR is your Next Generation Data Privacy. We are: Changing Data Privacy for Good!
Mr. Rik Krieger | Co-Founder
Bleicherweg 33
8002 Zürich

Internships, dissertations and apprenticeships show detailhide detail
We offer internships
We offer positions for dissertations
Contact: Herr Rik Krieger
Products & Services
HOPR network Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
HOPR keeps any exchange of data, private & secure.
If you use a Cloud service in Switzerland, HOPR can take care of your data to be up- & downloaded:
(1) with Authenticity (of sender & recipient)
(2) absolute Anonymity (external third parties cannot observe who does what & when)
(3) improved Reliability (decentralized communication protocol)
of all your data.
- Technology
- Blockchain Encryption
- Hosting
- available in Switzerland
- Link:

HOPR Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
HOPR keeps any exchange of data, private & secure.
If you use a Cloud service in Switzerland, HOPR can take care of your data to be up- & downloaded:
(1) with Authenticity (of sender & recipient)
(2) absolute Anonymity (external third parties cannot observe who does what & when)
(3) improved Reliability (decentralized communication protocol)
of all your data.
- Technology
- Blockchain Netzwerk
- Hosting
- available in Switzerland
- Thursday 31.03.2022
Kryptos für die sichere Datenübertragung
Daten sichern ist kein Problem. Sobald diese aber die eigenen vier Wände Richtung Internet verlassen, lauert die Gefahr eines Fremdzugriffs. Das «Swiss Made»-Übertragungsprotokoll Hopr weiss dies zu verhindern. Thomas Brenzikofer Blockchain