ims ag

Our core business consists of developing complex turnkey IT-solutions, which mainly consist of standard or tailor-made software. On top of this we support our customers with all the required services the field of systems development.

Kurt Rüegg | CEO

Worblentalstrasse 30
3063 Ittigen

Tel 031 925 33 33

About the label

Internships, dissertations and apprenticeships show detailhide detail

We offer internships
We offer positions for dissertations


Products & Services

IMS AG Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail

N. A.
As a leading software development company in the region of Berne, we strive to solve complex business challenges by using cutting edge technology and close collaboration with our partners. This principle requires a multitude of innovative solutions in different areas, which we would like to present you further.
Java, C#, HTML 5, C++
in Switzerland

cumo Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail

cumo makes it possible to record the vehicle inspections at the cantonal road traffic offices without media interruption and offers optimal mobile connection to the CUFA system.

The cantonal road traffic offices and their testing centers document their vehicle inspections with CUFA. CUFA requires a fixed workstation, so the desire came up with a more user-friendly mobile recording option. The process should be made paperless and direct with a mobile device, and the susceptibility to errors should be minimized. Due to these needs, IMS AG developed a mobile app for an easier control of vehicle inspections: cumo.
in Switzerland


  • Monday 07.04.2014

    Hail damage reporting by tablet

    The insurance industry is beginning to realize the potential of mobile applications. One current example is the insurer Swiss Hail. Its experts now record damage events by tablet without media discontinuity. Marcel Zahnd