infoGrips Ltd. has been founded by two software engineers in 1994. Currently we have five employees (4 software engineers, 1 accounting). The company is 100% owned by it's founders.
We are a software development company. Most of our employees are software engineers with higher education (batchelor or master level). Our speciality is the development of data translators and other software for geographic information systems.
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich

Products & Services
INTERLIS Tools Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Version
- 2018.0
- Description
Our product INTERLIS Tools is a toolchest for the processing of (geo) data. With the INTERLIS Tools you can check, transfer, process, analyze and improve (geo) data.
The INTERLIS Tools package includes a series of pre configured applications and data translators. The package includes the universial quality checker iG/Check and configurations to display data as ESRI shape files.
- Technology
- infoGrips Conversion System (ICS), iG/Script
GeoShop Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Version
- 2018.0
- Description
With our product GeoShop you can publish, distribute and sell geo data in the internet or intranet. All data is stored in a system neutral format (INTERLIS .itf/.xtf) on a central server.
The GeoShop client can display geo data in an HTML5 capable internet browser. Users can filter data by search functions and a view / level selection. The GeoShop client can be used to order and download geo data in common GIS / CAD format like ESRI shape or AutoDesk DXF/DWG.
The INTERLIS => GIS/CAD format conversion is done by the GeoShop server on the fly by our integrated INTERLIS Tools. Currently data of over 2'500 Swiss communities is available online in GeoShop installations!
- Technology
- Java, HTML5, ICS, iG/Script
infoGrips Internet Services (iG/Services) Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Version
- 2018.0
- Description
iG/Services are special configurations of our products iG/Check and INTERLIS Tools as an internet service (software as a service).
To provide those services, we operate our own data center in the city of Zürich.
The capacity of the data center can process serveral thousand's of jobs per day. The processing time for medium sized data sets (up to 50 MBytes XML) is only some minutes in average. Ask for a login!
- Technology