The "Normpositionen-Katalog" (NPK) is one of the most important products of EIT.swiss for the industry. Using this catalogue, planner, architects and electricians get relevant information and benchmarks for approx. 14.000 items. As an established calculation tool, the NPK is meant for creating precise and detailled service specifications and calculations. EIT.swiss updates their NPK products every year.
Automated calculations with individual values may be made using industry software. The calculation data of EIT.swiss may only be used with certified applications whereby the data exchange is realized via a standardized interface. VOLTA is one of the first three industry solutions being certified according to IfA18 and EIT.swiss. As of 2020, only certified applications may be used in combination with NPK EIT.swiss calculation data.
For more information about VOLTA please visit www.myvolta.ch.