The Legartis Contract Intelligence automatically analyzes contracts with AI. Legartis' SaaS solution enables the user to identify, classify and evaluate contracts in a matter of seconds and in different languages. Thanks to our latest findings in machine learning and natural language processing, Legartis simplifies the work with contracts and makes it more comfortable and efficient than ever before.
- Pre-Signature: Legartis allows to review contracts for unacceptable or missing clauses up to 85% faster with its "Contract Playbook".
- Post-Signature: Legartis' "Intelligence Dashboard" enables to manage and store data very efficiently and to proactively minimise contractual risks through reminders of key data points and deadlines.
Herr Michael Fetzer | CTO
Hohlstrasse 216
8004 Zürich

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Products & Services
Contract Playbook Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Bring your legal policies online and set them as review standard. Easily define the contract clauses your business requires and the approval and rejection criteria you adhere to. Legartis’ AI engine will then automatically apply these standards when reviewing incoming contracts.
- Reduce legal risks through automated enforcement of legal policies in all your contracts
- Automate notifications to predefined employees
- Arrange institution legal knowledge in one place and update it easily
- Hosting
- in Switzerland
Super Search Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Our intuitive and easy to use "Super Search" provides instant insight into contracts and the legal data they contain. Our solution automatically categorizes all of your documents and removes the need for time-consuming analysis, saving you time without compromising on accuracy.
- Search within your documents without sacrifices thanks to our innovative design
- Get immediate access to the relevant provisions or key data points in a single or in a variety of documents
- Hosting
- in Switzerland
Intelligence Dashboard Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Our contract intelligence allows users to proactively manage legal documents and gain untapped business intelligence. Legartis enables you to mitigate contractual risks by reminding you of key dates, financial liabilities and deadlines.
- Accelerate your analysis in more than one language at the same time made possible by Legartis' language-agnostic technology
- Gain unparalleled insights into your data for business and legal teams
- Get notified about contractual risk factors such as autorenewal dates and deadlines
- Hosting
- in Switzerland
- Tuesday 03.09.2019
Verträge ohne Unschärfe
Verträge sind für das Geschäft eine Notwendigkeit. Leider sind sie mühsam aufzusetzen und fordern viel Know-how. Legartis rückt dem Problem mit Machine Learning zu Leibe. Christian Walter Text Analytics & NLP