We are a young Swiss company specialized in all aspects of licensing Oracle products.
Almost no Oracle customer is properly licensed or has optimally negotiated contracts.
We help our customers to achieve their goals
- Reduction of annual maintenance costs
- Elimination of compliance risks
- Development of strategies for the future
- Monitoring or optimization of Oracle license requirements.
- Optimally negotiated contracts
We offer tools that provide all necessary information and consulting services that support our customers step by step to achieve their goals.
Herr Mike Betsch | CEO
Haldensteinstrasse 44
8105 Watt
Mobile +41 76 688 89 75

Products & Services
GoSuite Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
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- Description
LiGenius GOSuite immediately provides the relevant information to eliminate risks and immediately minimize the costs of your Oracle licensing. The following three aspects are always taken into account:
- what is used
- what is licensed
- what is needed
The use of our GOSuite is exactly tailored for the analysis and management of your Oracle products and licenses. Thereby your physical as well as virtualized infrastructure is included.
As a basis for all further actions and services we create with GOT4DB a detailed analysis of your license situation with license balance for your complete database structures. In addition to usage information by area, the analysis provides information on the causes of function usage and conveys concrete information on the actual license requirements for your current infrastructure.
While a manual analysis takes about 10 to 15 minutes per database, with GOT4DB you can easily analyze thousands of databases within a few minutes - virtually in real time.
- Technology
- SaaS or onPrem
- Hosting
- in Switzerland