
As a leading Swiss software company, we support our customers worldwide with trend-setting products and custom software. We cover the entire IT service lifecycle, from strategy to implementation and operation. A balanced combination of cutting-edging technology and proven standards ensures investment security, from large-scale projects to innovative start-ups. Our 500 employees have one common goal: to help our customers reach their digital business targets.

Founded in 1996, we are a holding company with headquarters in Zurich. We are located in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, Macedonia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Zypressenstrasse 71
P.O. Box
8040 Zurich

Tel +41 44 297 55 55

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Products & Services

3DS issuer and acquirer products Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail

As the market leader in 3-D Secure in the DACH region, we offer innovative digital payment solutions with a strong focus on convenience, security and mobile use. Around two thirds of all Swiss credit card transactions are processed via our systems.
Netcetera’s product and service portfolio comprises several specialist areas from a single source:
- For card issuers: The global «3-D Secure» standard enhances security for online credit card payments. In its data centers, Netcetera operates a multi-client capable 3-D Secure service. Card issuers and banks benefit from Netcetera's longstanding 3-D Secure experience and its homemade technology, flexibly configurable to your needs.
- For Acquiring: The 3-D Secure Aquiring Products from Netcetera ensure the smooth and reliable processing of payments when consumers shop over the internet. The 3DS Server, 3DS SDK and 3DS MPI come with contemporary web services for the verification and authentication of the cardholder.

Forward Publishing Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail

Forward Publishing addresses the changes in digital newsrooms. It enables publishing companies to have a smooth transition and transformation to an extensive digital content workflow with a set of highly approved integrated products. Forward Publishing provides a solid yet continuously evolving foundation for a sustainable, intelligent, digital, mobile-first subscription model.
Forward Publishing includes components from topic planning to content creation to publication. The solution supports the core activities of digital publishing: editorial planning and coordination, content creation and design, playout on various channels, analysis and evaluation of user behavior and monetization through a paywall.
Forward Publishing is a Joint Venture of Livingdocs and Netcetera.

Healthcare Ecosystem Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail

Netcetera and the i-engineers have built an ecosystem of interconnected solutions together. We assemble your individual solution from this constantly growing range of standardized modules and we adapt them to changing conditions without great effort.
That’s how Netcetera digitalizes hospital processes: Thanks to web-based processing, the desired data can be quickly accessed and found. All data in a context-related dossier is consolidated to form an overall picture. All employees and the specialist applications have access to all the company data available in this universal archive.


  • Monday 03.10.2016

    Prevent fraud using an app and risk analysis system

    Better security and convenience when shopping online using a credit card: customers, retailers, and card issuers alike are reaping the benefits of modern authentication methods using smartphone apps and effective risk analysis. Dr. Thomas Fromherz
  • Tuesday 14.06.2016

    Credit cards: bringing sexy back

    While much media attention is devoted to mobile payments, the real growth in payments is happening online. Here credit card companies are battling against security and usability problems. Netcetera wants to change this with Tellwa. Christian Walter
  • Monday 23.02.2015

    Via Mobile noch näher am Bürger

    Die Schweizer Polizei will mehr Bürgernähe. Sechs Kantone setzen dafür auf Apps. Über 200’000 Downloads bestätigen die erfolgreiche Strategie. Trotzdem sind dies nur die ersten Schritte auf dem Weg zur digitalen Polizei. Christian Walter Mobile
  • Monday 23.02.2015

    Die erfolgreiche Ausschreibung

    Staatliche Softwarebeschaffungen dauern zu lange und sind deswegen häufig veraltet, bevor sie in Betrieb gehen, sie sind zu teuer – auch für viele Anbieter – und misslingen oft. Erfolgreiche Softwarebeschaffung trotz WTO-Korsett – ist das möglich? Walter Duss Security
  • Monday 10.03.2014

    The account in your pocket: banking via app

    Managing personal bank accounts on mobile devices is the trend. But many apps are still caught in the desktop e-banking paradigm. That’s why Netcetera fundamentally rethought operability and security. Christian Walter Security