Our expertise is in the field of Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM). With our Identity and Access Management solution waave, we offer our customers a solution that simplifies, centralizes and automates the management of employee identities as well as their accounts and access rights. waave provides the right people with the right resources at the right time – and it does it all automatically. By automating standardized processes, security, quality, transparency and efficiency can be guaranteed.
Herr Lukas Engel | Managing Director
Römerstrasse 217A
8404 Winterthur
Tel +41 52 238 26 62

Products & Services
waave Identity and Access Management Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
With waave, our Identity and Access Management solution, you can organize your employee identities and access authorizations on different target systems simply, centrally and automatically. The Universal Directory is the central administration of waave. It is a directory of all identities and access rights. The data listed in it is synchronized with various target systems such as Active Directory and Microsoft 365. Through flexible processes for recording, maintaining and deleting identities, waave can manage all identities from employee entry to employee exit.
waave supports you in complying with various data protection guidelines: All changes to identities are logged by waave and data management is documented. So you can always see who changed which data when and who had access to which systems at what time.
waave is a modular solution. This means that you can expand the basic version of waave with various additional modules to meet your needs.
- Technology
- Microsoft Azure Cloud, REST API, Microservices
Phone Number Modul Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
waave automatically assigns telephone numbers to employees. Number ranges and dependencies (department, location, etc.) can be defined. For example, IT employees in Zurich are assigned a number within the number range 8000-8299, so that telephone numbers and area codes are managed efficiently and correctly within the given number ranges.
Thanks to the possibility of overriding suggestions, you still retain control: waave then checks whether the number exists within the predefined range of numbers and is still available. Phone numbers can also be reserved so that they are available for hotline, support or reception, for example.
waave enables automatic management of phone numbers in Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business, so employees can use the phone number in teams or Skype for Business.
Do you use different services than Teams or Skype for Business? We would be happy to check for you whether waave can automatically manage the telephone numbers in your telephone system!
- Technology
- Microsoft Azure Cloud, REST API, Microservices
- Hosting
- available in Switzerland
Unique Identifier Modul Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
All employees have a unique username, which is needed for different purposes. Using the Unique Identifier Module, waave automatically suggests unique usernames based on predefined rules. Thanks to the ability to override suggestions, you still retain control: The verification and centralized management by waave prevents duplicate assignments. If usernames are no longer needed, they are automatically blocked and can no longer be assigned. This is the case, for example, when an employee leaves the company.
The Unique Identifier Module is primarily used for the administration of usernames. However, the possibilities are wide: You can not only manage usernames, but also any kind of identifiers such as for buildings or servers.
- Technology
- Microsoft Azure Cloud, REST API, Microservices
- Hosting
- available in Switzerland