RedLine Software GmbH is developing and running a specific application for supporting the care and assistance in stationary social pedagogic institutions since 2003. Among its clients are childern’s and youth’s homes as well as homes for adults and handicapped persons.
Rosenbergstrasse 42a
9000 St. Gallen
Tel +41 71 220 35 41

Products & Services
RedLine® Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Software for the social Domain
The software RedLine® was designed especially for pedagogic and agogic work in stationary institutions. The focus lies in the orientation towards processes of the daily practical experience. RedLine® collects and combines every important information and provides therefore an essential contribution to the knowledge management in different work- and living places. RedLine® is built modular and can be adjusted to a high grade to the wants and needs of the consumers.
RedLine® is being offered exclusively as Software as a Service (SaaS). Software and data are located in a save, highly available data centre.