With Skribble you sign documents electronically in an easy way, legally binding in accordance with Swiss & EU law. Skribble is based on legally regulated standards, including the qualified electronic signature (QES) – the only form of electronic signature that is equivalent to a handwritten signature before the law.
Roni Oeschger | Co-Founder and CEO
Förrlibuckstrasse 190
8005 Zürich
Tel +41 44 505 16 64

Products & Services
Skribble Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Legally sign a PDF document with just a few clicks.
Invite others to sign - they will be notified by e-mail.
Sign multiple documents at once.
Companies have the possibility to create a business account, with joint billing and centralised member administration.
- Technology
- JSON REST-API; HTTPS web communication; AES-256 encryption; OpenID Connect user access; ISO 27001 hosting; Key management system
- Hosting
- in Switzerland

- Thursday 16.07.2020
Verträge digital zeichnen
Verträge digital per Klick rechtsgültig unterzeichnen – das ist die Kernidee des Start-ups Skribble. Zum Einsatz kommt dafür eine eigens entwickelte Web-Plattform. Christian Walter Digital Signature