The new swiss made software project is well underway. "vol.4 - Public Innovation" will be released in early 2015. This is the final call for content. The deadline ist end of September.
Public procurement of IT is a hot topic not only because of the recent scandals but because they represent an annual volume of approximately 10 billion Swiss francs. Because of this the state is the largest purchaser of IT products and services as as well as a potential driver for innovation. A potential that so far has not been fully realised though is holds great promises for the future. Under the umbrella of "Public Innovation" a large field of possible areas opens up, beginning with the protection of privacy and security (Snowden effect) through topics like Smart Cities, E-Health, E-Learning as well as Open Data, Mobile Government and E-Democracy, to name but a few. All these and more are topics of „swiss made software – the book vol.4“.
„the book vol.4“ (print, ebook, online) will paint a comprehensive picture of these topics using prominent voices as well as innovatove projects. For this publication swiss made software will cooperate closely with Inside-IT as well as the E-Government Institut of the Bern University of Applied Sciences.
For this project we have enlarged our distribution list with a number of new partners. First among those is a list of 2000 contacts in public administrations provided by the E-Government Institut.
We would like to invite all representatives of the Swiss software industry to participate in this project. Below is a link containing all the relevant details for this attractive publication project. If you are interested we would like to hear from you. Together we can build a representative showcase of Public Innovation in Switzerland. As somone once famously said - success is the best form of advertising.
We are keen to hear about your ideas until august 23rd. The book will be publsihed in the beginning of 2015.