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Cooperation Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText)

Tuesday 18.06. – Wednesday 19.06.2019, Eulachpassage, Winterthur, 9:00 am -18:00 pm

swiss made software cooperates with Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText)Level 2 members receive a discount of 15% off the price of individual tickets.

The Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText) is an annual conference that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia. The conference is held on June 18-19, 2019 in Winterthur, Switzerland. It is organized by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and supported by more than 10 universities and scientific associations.

This is already the 4th edition of the SwissText Conference. In the previous years, we had 200 participants and a distinguished lineup of presentations from various universities, international IT giants such as Google and IBM, and Swiss SME's and startups.

Keynote speakers: Prof. Mona Diab (Amazon and George Washington Univ.), Lisa Gibbs (Associated Press), and Prof. Hinrich Schütze (Ludwig Maximilians Univ.).

The SwissText Conference has 3 tracks:

  • Swiss Track, with a strong focus on Swiss industry and research.
  • Scientific Track, with technical research papers from the international community.
  • Demo Track, with hands-on, interactive presentations of current NLP solutions.



The link above points directly towards registration. The promotional code is available upon request.