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Wednesday 01.04.2020, Halle 7, Gundeldingerfeld, Dornacherstrasse 192, 4053 Basel, 6pm to 8 pm

Technology-wise, Basel is especially well known for Life Sciences. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. On April 1st, «webilea reloaded – it’s about tech» will show a few hot examples of tech & innovation from Basel.

Uptown Basel is one of the biggest tech-related projects in Switzerland. 70’000 square-meters of collaborative space with a focus on Industry 4.0 are currently under construction in Arlesheim. The first start-up-oriented outpost is already live.

One thing we have all in common is that retirement comes closer every day. To make sure it’ is a good life we save money in pension funds. Start-up Viac has some novel ideas about how to improve the management of «Säule 3a» funds.

As the amount of data is expanding continuously, mapping it is central. A core idea, introduced by Google, is the knowledge graph. How to deploy this technology in areas of medical R&D, risk management and more is a competency of Trivadis.

The cloud is everywhere – but managing it properly requires its own skill set. Laurin Stoll from Yoo Digital will give us insights and practical examples that will undoubtedly demonstrate that the cloud is not only powerful but fun.


17:45 Doors open

18:00 «70'000 square meters for Industry 4.0», Hans-Jörg Fankhauser, Uptown Basel

18:20 «Enhancing Financial Happiness», Jonas Gusset, VIAC

18:40 «How deep is your knowledge graph», Martin Zablocki, Trivadis

19:00 «Why the cloud is fun, fun, fun!», Laurin Stoll, Yoo Digital

19:40 Food&Beverage&Networking

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