2024 annual review: swiss alternatives and the swiss software festival

Thursday 27.02.2025

First of all: A big thank you for another year of fruitful collaboration. Our work would not be possible without you!

We are happy to share our 2024 annual review. Here you will find the most important activities that we want to build on in 2025.

Best wishes and here’s to a successful 2025!

The swiss made software team

2024 annual review: swiss alternatives and the swiss software festival

In 2024, swiss made software grew by a further 105 companies. This brought the number of companies using one of our labels – swiss made software, swiss digital services, or swiss hosting – over 1300. Now more than 900 products and services can be found on our platform, www.swissmadesoftware.org.

swiss alternatives

Our swiss alternatives initiative shows that Swiss software can keep play in the same leagues as those of the tech multinationals. We draw on our extensive product directory, we create lists of specific Swiss-made alternatives to well-known international offerings and present these on their own SEO-optimized landing pages. Companies looking to minimize their digital dependence on foreign countries for a variety of strategic or regulatory reasons will find the solutions they need here.

This is a new service from swiss made software and is included free of charge for Level 2 members.

> Read more about swiss alternatives

> A selection of SEO successes – our pages rank top for each of these searches, the first item after the ads.

social media campaign: digital sovereignty

In 2024, we ran a new social media campaign  on digital sovereignty. The campaign was viewed over 10,000 times on X and LinkedIn.

We will also be running another social media campaign in 2025 – details will follow soon.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the companies taking part in the 2024 campaign!

the inaugural swiss software festival

We announced the Swiss Software Festival in December and were delighted by the  extremely positive response!

With over 25 sponsoring partners and working in collaboration with Women in Tech Switzerland and SWICO, this flagship event by and for the Swiss software industry will take place at UptownBasel on June 24, 2025.

Don't miss the premiere!

Tickets are now available to purchase, with discounts available to label members.

Buy your ticket now!

> More about the Swiss Software festival

An overview of the program and further information on collaboration positioning and sponsoring opportunities at the Swiss Software Festival can be found here.

> Event documentation

The Swiss Software Festival provides a fresh platform for the Swiss digital workplace and offers an enriching day filled with exciting new insights, high-quality dialogue with fellow tech enthusiasts and digitalization professionals, as well as the chance to network and make new connections.
Don't miss out: register now!

We look forward to seeing you on June 24 in Basel (or just outside it)!

it's about tech: our event series in the basel region

As part of our It's about tech event series in collaboration with BaselTech, a program to promote the canton of Basel-Stadt as a business hub, we once again demonstrated the area’s strength in everything ICT. With four events a year, It's about tech has become an established platform for exchanging ideas and insights among Basel's techies. The program was supported by ti&m and Swiss Life as leading partners, Cyon and prodyna as presenting partners, and b.telligent and Karakun as supporting partners. The event series was attended by around 350 participants and achieved almost 17,000 impressions on social media. 

A review including videos of the presentations can be found here (in German):

The series will continue. Anyone interested presenting or sponsoring is invited to contact Thomas Brenzikofer.

participating in the finance committee of the national council: proposal to establish of a swiss government cloud

In a dispatch, the Federal Council requested the approval of a commitment credit of CHF 246.9 million for the development of a Swiss Government Cloud (SGC), designed as a hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure. At the beginning of July, the National Council's Finance Committee (FK-N) began discussing this bill. External experts were invited to attend the hearing. Together with Edouard Bugnion (professor at EPFL) and Georg Greve (founder of the Free Software Foundation Europe), Luc Haldimann and Thomas Brenzikofer of swiss made software also provided information in response to questions relating to security, interoperability, and digital sovereignty.

According to the FK-N press release, experts criticized the fact that the aim was not to create a sovereign cloud like those in other countries, but merely to procure private and public cloud solutions. Questions around the extent to which open-source software should be used were also left open. Finally, it is important to not exclude Swiss companies from procurements based on restrictive procurement criteria.

Following the hearings, the FK-N decided to accept the bill.

> Press release

misuse of the label

Fortunately rare, but a reality: there are some companies that use one of our labels without legal consent. This meant that last year we had to take legal action against two companies, and were successful. One company was convicted and fined, while another responded immediately to the letter from the public prosecutor's office and was therefore able to avoid an entry in the criminal register. Both companies are no longer using any of our labels.

swiss made software en français

Our website has also been available in French for a year now. Information on our three labels – swiss made software, swiss digital services, and swiss hosting – can be obtained in three languages (German, English, and French). But more than this, it is now possible to add company descriptions as well as product and service listings in all three, too.

The latter is particularly relevant to our level 2 members from French-speaking Switzerland and companies with customers in French-speaking Switzerland or other French-speaking countries. They can now also be addressed in their native language and find relevant information on the swiss made initiative in French.

> More about swiss made software in French

website figures

swissmadesoftware.org has also seen a positive trend in terms of visitors: In 2024, our platform had around 135,000 unique visitors (+30%) and 330,000 (+28%) page views per year. Of these, each level 2 member accounts for an average of between 200 and 300 page views via their own profile and the product pages. Being present on our platform also has a positive effect on your own ranking on search engines, a benefit enjoyed by level 1 members, too.

Our Level 2 members gain a clear additional benefit through their product and service listings, as well as various additional services. These include our cooperation with the Swiss IT Magazine, discounts on numerous events, foreign currency transactions, and job advertisements on ictjobs.ch. A complete list can be found here:

> membership benefits

Our high domain authority means many of our product categories show up the first page of search results. Here are some examples: