swiss alternatives to holaspirit > providers from switzerland

With the Swiss alternatives initiative, swiss made software wants to show that Swiss software can keep up with the offerings of the big tech companies. Based on our extensive product register, we create lists that specifically show swiss made alternatives to well-known products and present them on their own landing pages.


Holaspirit is an HR tech solution from the French company Talkspirit. The SaaS application replaces traditional organizational charts with dynamic mapping of team structures. This makes contact persons within the company visible to everyone, especially when work is distributed. The solution also helps with collaboration and organization within companies, NGOs and public authorities.

Swiss Holaspirit alternatives are listed on this page. It is important to check where the data is hosted. Whether abroad, in Switzerland with a foreign company (attention: CLOUD Act) or in Switzerland with a Swiss provider (swiss hosting).

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  • Peerdom Map App

    The Peerdom Mapp App is an organizational tool that visualizes roles and responsibilities, making it easier to navigate collaboration within a company. It simplifies onboarding, matches employee skills to roles, and supports various organizational structures such as hierarchies, Holacracy, and Sociocracy. Peerdom enhances efficiency by providing real-time information, facilitating quick team assembly, and streamlining processes for distributed and hybrid teams. It is customizable and integrates with additional apps to meet specific organizational needs.

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    Map Technology
    in Switzerland
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  • Peerdom Projects App

    The Peerdom Projects app facilitates the management of project teams and portfolios by visualising them on a map. It provides a real-time overview of ongoing projects and their roles to optimise team composition. Projects can be monitored and managed efficiently by considering only the required roles. The app ensures better organisation and promotes the efficient use of resources within the team.

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    in Switzerland
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  • Peerdom Goals App

    The Peerdom Goals app is the ideal tool for setting, tracking and achieving company goals. It supports various methods such as KPIs, OKRs, SMART goals and MBOs and promotes transparency and accountability. Goals are visualised on a user-friendly map, broken down into manageable sub-goals and tracked in real time. Success can be measured flexibly in percentages, target values or tasks. The app improves team collaboration and thus increases overall performance.

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    in Switzerland
    Peerdom More about the provider