Opacc has been developing its own enterprise software platform in Switzerland since 1988. The core of the platform is OpaccOXAS, which provides all digital corporate resources such as data, documents, functions, integrations, etc., centrally. On this basis, homogeneous, powerful and standardized applications are available: OpaccERP, OpaccERP-MobileOffice (service, sales), OpaccEnterpriseCRM and OpaccEnterpriseShop.
Introduction and support of all applications is carried out directly by Opacc. The guaranteed upgrade capability to new versions has been repeatedly rated best by ERP users in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
Opacc employs about 150 people in Rothenburg/LU, Münchenstein/BL and Nürnberg/DE.
Mr. Urs P. Amrein | Marketing Manager / Partner
Wahligenpark 1
6023 Rothenburg /Luzern
Tel 041 349 51 00

Internships, dissertations and apprenticeships show detailhide detail
We offer apprenticeships
Contact: Frau Sabrina Cabiddu
Tel +41413495100
Products & Services
Opacc ERP Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Extended Enterprise Software
Can be used individually or combined in your company.
The platform for digital transformation, open, centralized and scalable for all your transactions, processes and information.
The common foundation of all Opacc applications, manages all data, services and functions. These data and functions are made available via "Public Interfaces", regardless of whether they are Opacc applications or individual add-on applications. With OpaccOXAS there is no redundant data, no media breaks and no interfaces. All relevant data is centrally and homogeneously available to all applications.
Systematically controls all internal and mobile processes and information: OpaccERP. The application covers the area of classic business software and ERP solutions.
- Technology
- 100% service-oriented (SOA) architecture Microsoft environment, DotNet, Java
- Hosting
- in Switzerland

Opacc Enterprise Shop Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Full control over your e-business: OpaccEnterpriseShop
The powerful e-commerce platform is seamlessly embedded into your multi-channel and omni-channel organization. The sophisticated product and catalogue management forms the basis for B2B and B2B shops. In addition to state-of-the-art functions for users, modern features are available for your digital marketing.
- Technology
- 100% Service-Oriented (SOA) Architecture, Microsoft Environment, DotNet, Java
- Hosting
- in Switzerland

Opacc Enterprise CRM Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Work seamlessly on the go: OpaccEnterpriseCRM
Complete applications for sales and service staff (technical service, consulting). All business processes and data can be easily modelled based on roles and users. And they are available to users on desktops, tablets and smartphones.
- Technology
- 100% Service-Oriented (SOA) Architecture, Microsoft Environment, DotNet, Java
- Hosting
- in Switzerland

- Friday 15.11.2019
A love of technology
Despite the rich pickings on the global tech market, Opacc continues to focus on in-house development. That’s why staff regularly spend time getting their teeth into the relevant technological foundations. Christian Walter Complete ERP Software - Wednesday 24.10.2018
Interview Beat Bussmann: «Ein zuverlässiger Partner, kein säbelrasselnder»
Mit 130 Mitarbeitenden und über 500 Kunden macht sich die Krienser Softwareschmiede Opacc auf den Weg in die nächsten 30 Jahre. Das Ausland ist dabei immer noch irrelevant. Christian Walter General Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP) - Wednesday 03.10.2018
Omnichannel ist vernetztes Denken
Der Floristik-Grosshändler E. C. Fischer AG beliefert Gärtnereien, Floristen, Hotels, Restaurants, Boutiquen, Dekorateure sowie Grossverteiler. Um die über 10’000 Artikel zu bewirtschaften, kommt eine Omnichannel-Strategie zum Einsatz. General Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP) - Monday 22.05.2017
Brandschutzexperte setzt auf Digitalisierung
Mehr Effizienz dank neuem ERP? Das geht, wenn auch viele Stolpersteine die gelungene Durchführung solcher Projekte zu einer Kunst machen. Erfolgreich stellten sich dieser Herausforderung die Primus AG zusammen mit dem ERP-Anbieter Opacc und dem Beratungsunternehmen Isycon. Sogar die Umwelt profitierte. Christian Walter General Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP) - Monday 07.10.2013
Schubarth & Opacc: DMAS statt Papierberge
Seit drei Jahren arbeitet man beim Basler Metallspezialisten Schubarth mit dem Dokumentenmanagement- und Archivierungssystem von Opacc. Pro Jahr werden rund 500‘000 Dokumente erstellt, die 13 Jahre aufbewahrt werden – digital statt im Luftschutzkeller. Urs P. Amrein General Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP) - Monday 05.08.2013
Interview Beat Bussmann: "Der Teufel lag dann aber im Detail"
Vor 25 Jahren gründete Beat Bussmann Opacc und lancierte die Vorboten der Business-Softwarefamilie OpaccOne. Diese umfasst heute Anwendungen für die klassische Geschäftsabwicklung (ERP), den E-Commerce und den Mobile Commerce. Christian Walter General Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP)