2014 was a successfull year for swiss made software where the number of companies using the label grew by twelve percent to 240. At the same time our focus on export helped to strengthen the recognition of the swiss made brand.
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2014 was a successfull year for swiss made software where the number of companies using the label grew by twelve percent to 240. At the same time our focus on export helped to strengthen the recognition of the swiss made brand.
Our export focus began with the release of our first english-language publication which was followed by our second export event as well as an ICT trade mission to London - the "Fintech Capital of the World".
Furhtermore swiss made software launched a new interactive webmap in May 2014. Not only can companies and products be searched and found here, but students can actively search for companies to do an internship or a thesis. This tool was advertised at universities throughout Switzerland together with our partner ICT Berufsbildung. By now more than 40 companies advertise their interest in young talents here.
Since May we also cooperate with the job platform ictjobs.ch. Our members profit from rebates on job advertisements. Additionally paid-for internships can be advertised on ictjobs.ch for free.
swiss-made-software-founder Luc Haldimann sums these developments up like this: "By now swiss made software is a well known brand even abroad. This achievement would have been impossible without our members. I'm looking forward to use our momentum to further broaden our recognition nationally as well as internationally."
Together with Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE), Lift and X Media Lab „swiss made software - the book“ was distributed globally. Highlights were Lift14 in Geneva, CeBit in Hannover, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, London, Dubai, New York, Warschau as well as the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona.
During our second export event companies like Mespas, Getyourguide and Canoo Engineering talked about their experiences going abroad. All presentations are available on our Youtube-channel (German only).
Finally we co-organized a trade mission to London with Switzerland Global Enterprise. 14 companies travelled to the UK to learn more about the English market as well as current developments in Fintech.
"Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) is very satisfied with our cooperation with swiss made software. Both parties complement each other well in helping Swiss ICT companies to internationalize." Sandra Tobler, Subject Matter ICT and Consultant Northern Europe.
There were some behind-the-scenes changes as well. swiss made software now has new offices at Greifengasse 11 in Basel. Here we share space with i-net innovation networks. Also we switched to a new CMS. Thanks to Magnolia 5 our internet-presence is now fully mobile.
In 2015 our focus will be "Public Innovation“. A complementary publication will be released in Febuary. Its themes will be emphasised by way of a series of events. Further details will be announced soon.
Some interviews from our last book were published on inside-it.ch (Laurent Haug) as well as inside-channels (David Nüscheler, Geri Moll). At the same time we continued our article series in the Swiss IT Magazine. Finally we wrote an aricle concerning IT security for a supplement of the Tagesanzeiger (see below).
The press covered our export event (Swiss IT Magazine, inside-channels.ch) as well as the release of our webmap (Swiss IT Magazine, inside-channels.ch).