Freedom, self-determination, autonomy - are these achievements, which had to be wrested from history, threatening to fall victim again to the digital imperialism of Silicon Valley? A question that was still circulating in intellectual circles years ago has now become a hard reality. More and more people are saying that measures have to be taken.
swiss made software shares this view. Digital technology is too far-reaching and therefore too strategic to simply rely on external supply. That is why we launched the swiss hosting label last year. Providers can use it to guarantee their customers that data will neither leave Switzerland nor be accessed by unauthorized persons. 200 Swiss companies have now joined the label.
The resounding success of Swiss Hosting shows: Digital sovereignty is more than a noble wish, but a real need. What digital sovereignty exactly means and how it can be implemented in concrete terms, you will learn at our next event in the series "Data Space Switzerland". Register now.
We would like to thank our partners aspectra, Flow Swiss, Hostpoint, hosttech, JMC Software, Ops One, stepping stone and VSHN.