Virtually no software can be developed without frameworks, libraries and "tools". This is one of the reasons for the triumphal march of open source, because software projects build today almost always and to a large extent on already existing code. The better you can see, understand and, above all, adapt, the code the better suited it is for use in projects.
Anyone already surprised by the 125 languages in the previous section (link), is in for another surprise. There are thousands of frameworks and libraries. If "only" 220 are listed here, that might be because the study participants did not want to list everything that is still used somewhere as a dependency in a project. (A library or framework is also often referred to as dependency). It is also sometimes controversial to discuss what is ost likely a framework, a library or a tool. The boundaries are not always clear.
Nevertheless, the right choice is as relevant to the success of the solution and the satisfaction of the developers as in the programming languages. By choosing the right framework, even a little popular language can sometimes be upgraded and the work is fun again. Conversely, a tedious framework or an exhausting library can destroy any fun in a language.
Unfortunately, comparisons in this section are less easy to make than with the programming languages.This will be optimized in the next survey.