Hands-on courses for developers with experienced experts and proven training material in Basel, Zurich and tailored for your team on-site.
Angular, TypeScript, Kubernetes, Docker, DevOps, React.js, Vue.js, Kafka, Scala, Akka, Istio, Golang, cypress.io, Machine Learning, Python, and other emerging topics.
Jonas Felix | CTO
Baslerstrasse 5a
4102 Binningen
Tel +41 61 551 00 82

Products & Services
Kubernetes DevOps Course Services & Consulting show product detailhide product detail
- Description
- Intensive course for DevOps with Kubernetes. We will walkthrough hands-on how to deploy a software project with multiple components scalable using CI/CD automatically on a Kubernetes cluster.

Angular & TypeScript Course Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Description
Two to four day intensive course in Angular and TypeScript with proven course material, well thought-out practice project and experienced instructor.

Vue.js 3 & TypeScript Course Product & Cloud Service show product detailhide product detail
- Thursday 01.07.2021
Hands-on Code Training
Cloud Skills sind nur schwer solo erlernbar – nicht weil es so kompliziert ist, sondern weil eine komplette Systemlandschaft bereitstehen muss, um alle Facetten des Entwicklungsprozesses beleuchten und durchspielen zu können. Christian Walter Trainings